The Sensorium Project

April-May 2016
Exhibited at Imperial Festival 2016

A cross-disciplinary project with Imperial College Advanced Hackspace. The piece was an installation, which explores the journey that students undertake while at Imperial College.

In initial brainstorming, we decided to portray the life of an Imperial student, with initial confusion leading to triumph. We planned to reflect this with a forest of molecule like structures, concluding with a wall which mimics you in a set of blossoming structures.

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I co-led the production of the final wall. We aimed to use motors to create origami flowers that open and close. However, after looking at the beauty of shadows, we decided instead to explore light and shadow in the wall.

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We could mimick movement using the Xbox Kinect, which captures depth data. Then, this could be programmed to output onto a set of LED strip lights.

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In production, our design was modular, with 14 smaller panels each controlled by one driver circuit, producing a wall 4 metres by 2 metres in size.

This diagram, produced by another member of the tech team, shows the production setup.

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For the Imperial Festival, a video of our process was produced.